English Learners

Who is an English Learner?

An English Learner is a student who is working toward proficiency in the English language.

How is a student identified as an English Learner?

A completed Home Language Survey (HLS) is required for any student enrolled in a public school in the State of Oklahoma. If answers on the HLS include a language other than English on any one of the first three HLS questions, and the student has no other previous or out of state/district placement or proficiency assessment scores, then a placement assessment must be administered. Elgin Public Schools uses the WIDA screener to test students who list a language other than English on the HLS. Students who are identified as English Learners through the WIDA screener are placed on an English Language Acquisition Plan (ELAP). Parents may decline supplemental EL services and accommodations, but students who have been identified as EL are still required to be assessed annually with both the appropriate WIDA and state assessments. [Public Law 114-95, Section 1111(b)(2)(G) & 1111(b)(2)(F)].

How does a student exit the EL program?

Students remain in the English Learner program until reaching English language proficiency as demonstrated on the ACCESS for ELs. The ACCESS is the annual assessment for English Learners and is used to assess progress toward English proficiency. Once a student demonstrates English proficiency through ACCESS testing, progress will be monitored for four years. 

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